Popcorn Drywall Texture, commonly referred to as Spray Acoustical Texture, is a frequently encountered yet generally disliked drywall texture within the industry. Popcorn Texture mimics the appearance of popped corn, achieved by incorporating tiny styrofoam beads into the mud mixture.
The application of Spray Acoustical Popcorn Texture is predominantly confined to ceilings in rooms. In cases where Popcorn Texture graces the ceiling, different wall textures are employed. This particular texture is typically observed in hotel rooms constructed prior to 1990, and even in select residential installations dating back to the early 1980s and earlier.
Do not embark on removing Popcorn Texture unless you possess a comprehensive understanding of the associated risks. People are more inclined to remove this texture rather than employ it in new projects. If you intend to remove popcorn texture from your ceiling or any area, it is imperative to thoroughly acquaint yourself with the potential hazards associated with the removal of Spray Acoustical Popcorn Texture.
Acoustical Popcorn Texture sprayed prior to 1978 is highly likely to contain asbestos. Materials containing asbestos, including Popcorn Texture, must only be handled by trained and licensed professionals. Government regulations strictly govern the removal of asbestos, aimed at mitigating the severe health risks associated with asbestos removal.
Acoustical Popcorn Texture applied after 1978 probably does not contain asbestos. Once confirmed asbestos-free, it can be easily removed using water and a large drywall knife.
How Popcorn Texture is Applied
Application of popcorn texture necessitates the use of a texture sprayer. The same texture sprayers employed for applying Spatter Knockdown Texture and Orange Peel Texture can be utilized for Popcorn Texture.
Popcorn Texture incorporates styrofoam and other additives in the drywall mud mixture to achieve a fluffy appearance. A large nozzle on the spray gun is employed to apply Popcorn Texture, effectively covering the entire surface with a thick layer of texture. This texture adeptly conceals various imperfections in the drywall finishing.
If you require texturing a small area, such as due to drywall water damage or other reasons, pre-mixed cans of Spray Acoustical Popcorn Texture are readily available at home improvement and hardware stores. The method of application closely resembles that of spray paint.
Although cans of spray texture typically indicate recommended coverage rates, it’s advisable to anticipate using more material than suggested. These cans often fall short of their stated coverage capacity.
Once Spray Acoustical Popcorn Texture has been applied, it can be painted using an airless paint sprayer. Traditional rolling or brushing of paint onto the surface of acoustic popcorn texture is not effective.

Is Popcorn Texture Suitable for New Construction?
Ultimately, if you are contemplating the use of popcorn texture in your new home, you might want to reconsider. Popcorn Texture lacks popularity and may potentially diminish the appeal of your home to prospective buyers. Consulting a real estate agent can provide valuable insights into this matter.
If you are pondering the choice of texture for a new home, explore alternatives like Santa Fe Texture or Skip Trowel Texture, both considerably more common in the realm of drywall textures.
If you remain committed to having popcorn texture applied in your home, it is imperative to seek the expertise of a seasoned drywall contractor, as this texture is not suitable for a do-it-yourself approach.
tag: # Popcorn Drywall Texture
A popcorn ceiling is a bumpy, plaster-looking surface that’s commonly made from joint compound (drywall mud) or spray-on texture. Often considered an outdated design element, popcorn ceilings tend to have a negative reputation because of their hard-to-clean speckles, which can also accumulate dust.
Use a paint scraper to help extend your reach. Pair it with a handle or painters pole. You can scrape each section while it’s dry, but applying a bit of water will help moisten and remove the material if the process becomes difficult. For dry scraping, work in small sections of about four to six square feet.
How to Fix Water Damage On Popcorn Ceilings
For the best results, follow these directions:
Use a putty knife to scrape the damaged surface. Apply a stain-blocking primer to the exposed drywall. Fully coat the affected area with the popcorn ceiling repair spray (hold the spray can 12-14 inches away from the ceiling.) Prime and paint the ceiling.
Along with being inexpensive and hiding imperfections, popcorn ceilings also had sound-dampening qualities. “They can reduce echoes in a room just like carpet or acoustic wall panels,” says Fulmer.